A New Start

A New Start

Feature 12823028 | © House of Pictures / Janmaat, Jeltje | 6 images & text


Featuring: White pages in your new agenda for the coming year, the first delightful bite of a nice macaroon, new life in nature, all kinds of great things too start with in a new fresh year!Ideas: A new agenda, a new clean bedding, colorful macaroons, a sprouting flower, brand new shoes, opening a jar of your favorite cream.Style: Red, white and crisp – simple and clean.

Feature No.: 12823028
Number of images: 6
Country: Netherlands
Photographer: © House of Pictures / Janmaat, Jeltje
Text Writer: Jeltje Janmaat
Producer: Jeltje Janmaat
Topic: Decoration
Rights: Worldwide first rights available upon request
  • not available in NL
  • Text writer must be credited in all publications
  • Producer must be credited in all publications
Prices: On request. Please contact us for a quote.
Ordering: Please contact us for highres images and texts.

All images in this feature (6)

Image no. 12823029 Image no. 12823030 Image no. 12823031 Image no. 12823032 Image no. 12823033 Image no. 12823034


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