Cupcakes with Bacon

Cupcakes with Bacon

Feature 12831041 | © House of Pictures / Munck-Johansen, Franciska | 3 images & text


Featuring: Maybe it doesn’t sound like the obvious combination, but it tastes like heaven! Think of American pancakes with bacon and syrup. It is the favorite cupcake of many men.Recipes: Cupcakes with bacon that serves perfect as mini cupcakes.Style: A little mouthful of heaven.

Feature No.: 12831041
Number of images: 3
Country: Norway
Photographer: © House of Pictures / Munck-Johansen, Franciska
Text Writer: Franciska Munck-Johansen
Producer: Franciska Munck-Johansen
Topic: Food
Rights: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in NO
  • Text writer must be credited in all publications
  • Producer must be credited in all publications
Prices: On request. Please contact us for a quote.
Ordering: Please contact us for highres images and texts.

All images in this feature (3)

Image no. 12831042 Image no. 12831043 Image no. 12831044
