DIY Kitchenware

DIY Kitchenware

Feature 12843305 | © House of Pictures / Brandt, Kira | 8 images & text


Featuring: Costumize your kitchenware with easy ideas.Ideas: Recycle wine bottles and old jars and print your own content labels. Decorate coasters, knit potholders and be inspired to make little changes within the kitchenware you already got.

Feature No.: 12843305
Number of images: 8
Country: Denmark
Photographer: © House of Pictures / Brandt, Kira
Text Writer: Gaia Brandt Rasmussen
Stylist: Gaia Brandt Rasmussen
Producer: Gaia Brandt Rasmussen
Topic: Decoration
Rights: Worldwide first rights available upon request
  • not available in DK
  • not available in SE, NO, FI
  • Text writer must be credited in all publications
  • Stylist must be credited in all publications
  • Producer must be credited in all publications
Prices: On request. Please contact us for a quote.
Ordering: Please contact us for highres images and texts.

All images in this feature (8)

Image no. 12843313 Image no. 12843311 Image no. 12843310 Image no. 12843309 Image no. 12843308 Image no. 12843307 Image no. 12843306 Image no. 12843312


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