3 Christmas Tables - 3 Colors

3 Christmas Tables - 3 Colors

Feature 12847447 | © House of Pictures / Adsbøl, Mikkel | 16 images & text


Featuring: Would you like your Christmas table to be dramatic, dark, and rough – poetic delicate and bright – or should it be decorated with strong and hot colors?Ideas: Here is decorated three different styles of Christmas tables with each their color theme– black, white and red, and they all have different takes on an enchanting Christmas atmospher

Feature No.: 12847447
Number of images: 16
Country: Denmark
Photographer: © House of Pictures / Adsbøl, Mikkel
Text Writer: Katrine Martensen-Larsen
Stylist: Katrine Kaul
Producer: Katrine Martensen-Larsen
Topic: Decoration
Rights: Worldwide first rights available upon request
  • not available in DK
  • Text writer must be credited in all publications
  • Stylist must be credited in all publications
  • Producer must be credited in all publications
Prices: On request. Please contact us for a quote.
Ordering: Please contact us for highres images and texts.

All images in this feature (16)

Image no. 12847448 Image no. 12847449 Image no. 12847450 Image no. 12847451 Image no. 12847452 Image no. 12847453 Image no. 12847454 Image no. 12847455 Image no. 12847456 Image no. 12847457 Image no. 12847458 Image no. 12847459 Image no. 12847460 Image no. 12847461 Image no. 12847462 Image no. 12847463


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