A Sprinkle of Cherry Blossoms

A Sprinkle of Cherry Blossoms

Feature 12863660 | © House of Pictures / Borgsmidt, Tia | 25 images & text


Featuring: During spring is when everything begins to blossom. The nature that surrounds us becomes more colorful and flowers are popping up everywhere. Especially the Japanese cherry blossom tree is a sight for sore eyes. With their beautiful pink flowers, these trees are perfect for spring decorations.Ideas: Turn the most beautiful spring flowers into lovely decorations. A couple of branches from a cherry blossom tree and you’re good to go! In this feature, you’ll get inspiration and ideas for all kinds of decorations.Style: Colorful, delicate and feminine.

Feature No.: 12863660
Number of images: 25
Country: Denmark
Photographer: © House of Pictures / Borgsmidt, Tia
Text Writer: Honning og Flora - Rikke Larsen
Producer: Honning og Flora - Rikke Larsen
Topic: Decoration
Rights: Worldwide first rights available upon request, except in NL
  • not available for single image use
  • not available in DK, FI, NO, SE
  • not available in SE, NO, FI
  • Text writer must be credited in all publications
  • Producer must be credited in all publications
Prices: On request. Please contact us for a quote.
Ordering: Please contact us for highres images and texts.

All images in this feature (25)

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